“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” ~ Ansel Adams

27 June 2008

Feeding my sunset Addiction..

Lagoon: Farmington, UT

13 June 2008

Yellowstone, the awesome

My family and I just went on a little road trip to Yellowstone. I love it up there! It rained on us.. and snowed on us.. but we saw a lot of animals, and I am glad we went. I really do love the pretty Mountains, the smelly geysers and the awesome animals at Yellowstone. It is a good, good place!

11 June 2008

Elk Crossing

Elk Crossing in the Snow
Yellowstone National Park

So blue

So, so Blue
Yellowstone National Park

Drip, Drip

As the Water Falls
Yellowstone National Park